We are truly grateful for our community of donors, supporters, and friends for an amazing start to our work of housing The Next 100.
Your incredible enthusiasm for ending homelessness in our community is inspiring and encouraging as we embark on this ambitious goal.
We're only a couple of months into The Next 100 campaign, and thrilled to report that we're more than halfway there! Thanks to you, we're able to provide 51 people with the supportive services needed to ensure health and success in their housing. This is INCREDIBLE. It is a true testament to the loyalty and care within this community. To all of our early donors, we are so grateful. You have given us wonderful momentum toward housing The Next 100.
But our work isn't done yet. There is still so much to do!
Due to the nature of the housing vouchers, we anticipate using and knowing that housing alone isn't enough for a vulnerable person coming out of homelessness, we're responsible for raising the funds to provide the essential supportive services needed to ensure our clients' success. That works out to $7,000 for each person we're able to house through this campaign.
"Home” means so much more than housing. Home is warm. Comfortable. Friendly. It means access to mental and physical health care services. It means trusting relationships with landlords. It means safe, clean facilities.
We'll continue to share stories from our staff, volunteers, and clients in the coming months, demonstrating the power of housing with supportive services. We're just getting started and we hope you'll stick with us.
Thank you again for your support thus far.