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A Message From Executive Director, Dawn Price

"At Friendship Shelter, our team works every day to end homelessness in south Orange County, one person at a time. Our core belief is simple: Housing ends homelessness. Our unique impact has its roots in the compassionate volunteers who founded us nearly 35 years ago. Today, their advocacy lives on in our shared belief that all of us are better off when each of us has a home. And, our approach is working. In the most recent Point in Time count, homelessness in our service area -- south Orange County -- dropped 23% and in Laguna Beach, where our shelter and outreach programs operate, we saw a 60% reduction in street homelessness. I hope you'll take a few moments to learn about our organization and our vision to end homelessness in south Orange County. Won't you join us?" 

Meet the Leadership Team

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Rick Scott
Chief Operating Officer



James Doe

I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

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Analisa Andrus
Director of Program Development & Compliance

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David Cox
Director of
Housing & Opera


Mia Ferreira
Director of Services


Stephania Ines Amezcua
Director of Finance


Kristin Points
Director of
Development & Marketing



Anna Valdez
Director of
Human Resources


Board of Directors

Michael Gamerl 



Christy Cornwall 

Vice President

Tom Salinger



Cameron Jalbert


Wendy Aird

Lisa Bartlett

Ketta Brown

Mark Davis

Dr. Gary Jenkins

Vincent Jenkins

Edson McClellan

Barbara McMurray

Ilene Munzinger

Teddie Ray

Roge Rupp

Andrea Shelly

Cindy Shopoff

Sharon Sobel

Lea Stone

Josh Wolff

Organization Timeline

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